The Crew 3/3
“Also, I suggest you keep your rules of conduct tight. Some hard-core personalities are on the team. You’ve got three—Muli Zedez, Cord Domuuno, and Oreilli of Hunde—that have the experience and the bloated egos to match.”
I sigh and stash my concerns for now. “Great. Any trustworthies?”
Lev nods. “Pavov Quikov’s not bad, and Tushabe Olveria. Both of them have mountains of experience and a good solid competitor’s attitude. Also, a brother-sister team in Angi and Mikhail Kyang. They’re from the bad side of Kert, as if there was a good side, but Minister Drake stole them away. Apparently they’re pretty focused athletes.”
I review the roster. “Okay. That leaves Mary Beth Sorro...”
“Good luck. She’s crazy.”