Hero Startup: Insights
Insights represent familiarity with the athletes. Insight is key. You must learn your athletes, their strengths, AND their weaknesses.
Insight Deck
The insight deck contains 64 cards, numbered 101 to 164. After taking one, do not return it to the deck. Instead, begin a separate deck of known Insights.
Store these cards with your athlete cards, away from the Insight deck so you don’t confuse the two.
Gaining Insights is important for your final campaign score.
Receiving Insight Draws
Mission Insights
In this first mission, you gain 4 insight draws. For each Insight draw:
1. Choose an athlete involved in this mission. You can choose the same athlete more than once.
2. Go to the Insight Listing (p. 62). Find that athlete’s section. In that section, find the hero that you immersed this athlete with.
3. Look at the first (left) number next to the name. Find the Insight card with that number. You might already have it. If so, find the Insight card of the second number. If you already have both, choose a different athlete for an Insight draw.
4. Write the card’s number in the athlete’s “blue card” column, on the current mission line.
You choose to insight Billie Cates. She is immersed with Annie. The first number has you find Insight card 102.
Important!: Make sure all drawn cards go into the known insights deck and are not placed back into the regular insights deck.
Never study Insight Listings. Get in, get your number, and get out.
Returned Cards
Some Insight cards tell you to return it to the regular deck. Do not write it down. Instead, circle the blue card symbol for that athlete. Once that symbol is circled, all “return” card draws are ignored for this athlete. Instead, choose a different hero for an Insight.