Mission 6: Hunted


The cliques and pecking order in the team are now established.

Cord Domuuno commands his crew of Oreilli, Muli, and Mikhail. Pavov is tolerated in his group, but not a bond brother.

Unfortunately for the usually quiet and relaxed Pavov, Mary Beth likes to pull him into arguments. He refuses to take the advice of others and avoid conflict.

Ezebel Misabi wavers from prickly to motherly. Mary Beth Sorro is the social coordinator and interacts the most with everyone.

Athlete Lineup.png

Genni Ekard is still considered to be on the team mainly because of her father, Ambassador Ekard. Yes, she has shown some inexperience, and yeah, she’s a daddy’s girl. But she’s done well.

Tushabe continues to be a floater. Cord treats him as a wise servant.

Mose has the age and leadership to compete with Cord. But he doesn’t. He remains isolated and doesn’t seem to care. His break-in to Assembly HQ seems to have blown over, but he remains restricted and under surveillance. Whether he is a Quishan agent or not, he is performing well in the arena.

Ezebel says Angi is clinging more tightly to her brother. Their life on Kert was a daily hell. We’ll see if they can break free from that past.

Billie has stopped trying to make friends. On the positive side, she’s the most firmly dedicated to fitness and training and study. But there’s no visible happiness to be found in her expression.


1. If not dealt with, these cliques will rot out the heart of the team, as any high school principal knows. I will work to forcibly break up the cliques. I’ll have rotations that pair up the least familiar.

2. I will task Ezebel and Cord with reducing clique influence.

3. These are adults. They should handle their own affairs. I will intervene if performance suffers, and right now it isn’t suffering.