S184 1/3

Assembly Drake.png

“I thought you’d be asking me about the trouble at the pancake house,” says Ambassador Drake Ekard. He’s talking just loud enough to be heard above the crash of the waterfall.

“I doubt you’d tell me anything I didn’t already know.” I say.

Drake nods. “True. But then, why did you want to talk to me?”

“I have a job to do,” I say. “One that seems to have more importance than I assumed.”

“Forming the galaxy’s greatest Worldspanner team?” says Drake. “That seems fairly momentous.”

“Yeah...one that needs military-grade datt guns to defend. But let’s get away from the brick wall I’m sure I’ll hit trying to pry into why. I have questions about my athletes.”

“That’s a wise choice of topic,” says Drake. “What would you like to know?”
