Mission Epilogue 1/3

I announce a Tenth Mission Stretch party. We are approaching the end, and I’m more concerned about the athletes becoming too serious and wrapped tight rather than less serious.

Mary Beth and Oreilli suggest a talent show. This is agreed upon with enthusiasm. The athletes take care of the details after I hand over two hundred credits to Mary Beth to make it spectacular.

And spectacular it turned out to be. The staging area looked like a carnival and all the details were taken care of.

We invited all my staff to be the judges for the contest and keep things exciting, which they excelled at.

I learned so many things.

Both Pavov and Mose—yeah, the old man!—are incredible singers. Mose can reach bat-level octaves. He became an instant team rock star overnight.

Angi cartwheels along a stretched wire while Mikhail uses his ankles to dangle-walk from the wire below her. I’m sure this was an acrobatic act they performed during their slave-years on Kert.

Tushabe fires off a comedy routine that killed us. It’s always the quiet guys that surprise you.

Mary Beth has no special talent except for making the party awesome, which is a special talent.

Muli and Cord say they were working on a special move in case of emergency. There’s a tall sound barrier wall near the back wall, making a short corridor about eight or nine feet wide. Muli and Cord lock wrists and begin to walk up the opposite walls by pushing against each other. It wasn’t anything like Angi and Mikhail could do, but everyone cheered the amateur but impressive display of muscle control.

Athlete Lineup.png