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Reminder: Special Lith-Lover
The Hunting Hound B1. Free: If in a Dome, increase its gold to 4.
Ignore the tactics bar. Moves to any Lith’s Lair adventure space, or moves as close as it can. However, it will not willingly end movement adjacent to an enemy.
Remember that ALL Lith’s Lair adventures are Lith’s Chamber for foes.
The Lith-Lover is not pacifist. It will attack if a hero is next to it.
Reminder: Lord Anxis
Lord Anxis always uses the Attack options set, but:
1: She will never leave the Lair, and is immune to dismissal, banishment, and anything that would move her outside the Lair, including a Slip Away that would do so. If defeated, she cannot be renewed.
2: At Attack option #5, she instead moves to the center space of the Lair.