
The Assembly awaits my tearful apology and groveling contrition. Today, they are getting none of that.

Time to push all of the poker credits into the pot.

I stand, stare into the eyes of every Assembly member before I swirl up a storm...

“I stand to be heard, in full!”

That’s a technical statement. It means I can spend as much time as I need to bring a full corporate legal proceeding. Of course, they will never agree to it. They can unanimously vote me down, silence me, and end my time here.

Assembly Lev.png

Lev’s eyes narrow, but then he straightens. “A Stand has been requested. All in favor, say aye.”


Assembly Drake.png

Until Ambassador Drake Ekard casually raises his hand. “I think I want to hear this out. See what our coach is so racked up about.”

Lev chews on his lip as he regards Drake and I. Finally he throws up his hands. “It’s your career, Coach. I hope you know what you’re doing. Clear the room!”

Everyone but the highest members of the Assembly remain. Cord is ushered out, to my relief.

I hide a sigh and prepare my thoughts.

“The primary question—and it will not be the only question I will raise here today—is what exactly happened to Angi.”
