Mission Prelude

If Pavov and Mary Beth are both in this mission, draw a small circle in Pavov’s Sway box.

Have any heroes suffered a mission-end defeat but also gained MVP in that same mission? If so, gain an Insight on one of them. If they are not involved in this mission, choose any hero to use for the Insight.

For all previous missions, count the total number of check boxes you have placed in the tombstone column for heroes that were defeated at mission end:

0-1 defeated heroes: Draw 2 circles in the “Salute” box.

2-3 defeated heroes: Draw 1 circle in the “Salute” box.

4-6 defeated heroes: No effect.

7-10 defeated heroes: Draw 1 X in the “Salute” box.

11-14 defeated heroes: Draw 2 X’s in the “Salute” box.

15+ defeated heroes: Draw 3 X’s in the “Salute” box.

Does any hero have an “X” in their Sway box, have no MVP awards, and have at least one mission-end defeat? If so, suffer -1 morale. This does not affect Boosts this mission.

Is there a star in Mose Basbala’s Sway box?